Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Big Money Saver

Ok, so this is it! This is what saves me the most money out of all my greenness. You ready for it? You sure?'s... CLOTH DIAPERS! Yeah, that's right. Those expensive little butt covers that get pooped on and peed on all day, everyday. You may have to wash them, treat them, strip them, etc. But they save so much money! If it weren't for cloth diapers, I'd have nothing to cover my childs bum right now! So thanks mom! The math for how much money you save by cloth diapering is astronomical! It's unreal y'all! Once you start, you're hooked. You look for other, more natural ways to pamper your precious little one, and ENJOY IT! Seeing the difference in diaper rash instances alone makes it worth the initial drop of cash. There a few tricks to it though. For instance, you can't use diaper cream if your baby does happen to get diaper rash. You'll have to use a medicated powder. You cant bleach them, but you can bleach the inserts. If you get stains on your covers then you can sun bleach them. There's so many benefits from cloth diapering, not to mention the super cute colors and designs! There's even patterns to make your own online! I would so try that, but I'm just not that crafty anymore. So since I started cloth diapering, I've found other ways to be green. I've made some baby washcloths into cloth wipes, made my own wipe solution, and baby oil. I've found uses for things in an unconventional way. Like A&D, for baby acne, for example. If you look around and see all the things you throw away that can be made by you and reused, Youll see the money you're throwing away too. Take my advice, reduce, reuse, and recycle!

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